KELCH Netiquette

Dear Visitors,
We aim to keep you up to date about the latest products and promotions, dates, events and current news on KELCH social media channels, including YouTube, XING and LinkedIN. We are very pleased that you are interested in our videos, user hints and product information. We would kindly ask you to adhere to the following rules to ensure that we all get along in a pleasant and friendly manner on all KELCH channels:
We would ask that you write all content:
- briefly using a reader-friendly tone
- in a friendly and respectful manner
- only to express fair and polite criticism
- with tolerance to other views
- and to express remarks and suggestions for the benefit of the community
We will not support the following conduct:
- remarks containing illegal, untrue or offensive content
- discriminatory, sexist or racist statements
- advertising and the offering of goods or services
- the publication of personal data
- content that could affect the safety of our visitors
In the interest of all visitors we reserve the right to remove any content on our social media channels that does not adhere to our netiquette rules. KELCH GmbH accepts no responsibility or liability for content posted by users.
We look forward to a lively exchange of ideas with you!
Best Regards
Your Social Media Team KELCH GmbH