
The modular shrink fit machine for your individual requirements.

  • Effortless adapter and test item change
  • Modular design
    Individual expansion and configuration options of the basic shrink fit machine into a premium shrink fit machine
  • Efficient heating up within seconds
    Powerful induction coil for efficient shrinking in
    shrinking in seconds of HM- (ø 3 - 32 mm)
    and HSS (ø 6 - 32 mm) tools. The induction power of the coil can even reach 13KW for a short time.
  • Wide range of applications
    Shrinking of tools with a taper size up to max. SK 60 / HSK 160 / PSC 100 and a total length up to max. 650 mm (with tower extension: 1400 mm).
  • Gentle, long-lasting & safe shrinking
    For a long service life of your shrink fit chucks, overheating of the shrink fit chucks is specifically excluded.
  • Ergonomic work area with large tray
    Ergonomically arranged work area with generous storage space for tools and shrink accessories for convenient and safe working.
  • Simple and intuitive operation
    Shrinking can be done quickly and easily in just a few steps. LED indicators on the coil signal whether the coil is heating or not.
  • Patented contact cooling technology
    Contact cooling achieves uniform, gentle and dry cooling of shrink fit chucks without additional costs for emulsion or compressed air.

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KELCH Schrumpfgerät Vorteile
i-tec® M - the new modular shrink fit machine.